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If your child is absent for ANY reason, it is your responsibility to send a note with your child when they return to school.

  • Please include your child’s full name, teacher's name, absence date and reason for the absence.
  • If the absence is not verified within 10 days it will be recorded as truancy on your child’s attendance record on the 11th day
  • You may also call the school office at (562) 210-2560 to report an absence or send an email to Olivia 
  • Please note: After 3 consecutive excused illness absences, a doctor’s note will be required. 

Cuando su hijo(a) falta a la escuela, recuerde que es su responsablidad de mandar una nota cuando regrese el siguiente dia. 

  • La nota debe de tener el nombre completo del estudiante, nombre del maestro(a), fecha de la falta y razón por la falta.
  • Las ausencias no verificadas dentro de los 10 días, seran registradas como falta injustifica (vagancia).
  • Puede llamar al (562) 210-2560 para reportar la ausencia o mande un correo electronico a Olivia 
  • Tenga en cuenta: Despues de 3 ausencias por enfermedad consecutivas, se requerira una nota del medico. 


Students are engaged in learning throughout the school day.  We highly encourage you to arrange doctor and dentist appointments for after school hours. If you do need to sign your child out early for any reason, you will need to come to the office and we will call your child out of class at that time. Students will be released to individuals you have designated on the emergency contacts. You/they will be required to show identification to sign out a student. Due to staff obligations at the end of the school day, NO student will be released after 2:15 pm as it takes that much time to gather their belongings and come to the office. 


Students must come to school ON TIME before 8:15 am.  Students are to be seated inside the classroom when the bell rings (or in line with their teacher) or they will be considered tardy at 8:16 am. Students who are tardy interrupt their own learning and distract their classmates who have already started that day’s instruction.  

Students who are tardy less than 30 minutes daily must come into the office to receive a Tardy Pass. If your child is late to school 30 minutes or more (after 8:45 am), he/she must be accompanied by an adult into the office or have a note signed by an adult stating the date and reason for the tardy.  If your child is late to school due to a doctor or dentist appointment, your child MUST bring a note from the medical office stating that your child was at the appointment.  If you do not provide the medical note, your child will not be excused for the late arrival.  Three (3) thirty-minute tardies equal one absence.


Truant, unverified, unexcused, excessive excused absences and tardies affect the student’s education.  After three (3) unexcused absences or three (3) unexcused tardies exceeding thirty (30) minutes, a truancy letter will be sent to the parent/guardian and a meeting with the Principal will be scheduled (SART). Further action will be taken if the SART contract is not upheld.